Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks everyone for making it over to the dark depths of Adams Road for the session last night - somehow you all made our freezing house toasty for the first time in weeks! Many great tunes were played that I of course didn't write down any of the names if anyone did make some notes, could you put them up here?  Also, someone left a hat here - I think Hugh.  Does anyone know how to get a hold of him?


Mike said...

Thanks for hosting at the last minute, especially given that we had someone come over from town.
Here's my sardonic take on the evening's beginning:
Mike meets surprised visiting musician at ferry slip. Says:"There's been a change of plans. It's now a house session."
Mike drives visitor to the middle of Bowen, to a dark house on a hill. Sound of Cerebrus barking behind the door. The door opens to an entry way with 4 bodhrans and 4 banjos hanging on the wall!
My first thought was: "Cool!Hunting trophies!"

We're really that hardcore a session.
(With apologies to Ken and Brad)

Chris said...

You made me spit tea on my monitor.